Now we could all always do with saving an extra bit of money whether its putting it to side for a holiday or just to reduce your spending, these are a few ways to reduce the overall expenses from day to day, or how to help you save money better in your banking ways.

1. Make meals from scratch
This is reffering to your evening meals. Instead of microwave meals or remade kits try taking the extra time to chop all your own vegetables and cook all the raw elements of the meal, as long as the meal doesn't contain large amounts of meat this is generally cheaper than quicker more convenient options and massive amounts cheaper than getting takeout or going out to a restaurant. Also there are many budget meal recipes online and if you meal plan before you go shopping then make a list and only buy what you really need then less food is wasted and you will be less inclined to go down aisles in the supermarket and pick up snacks and things that aren't necessities.
2.Bring meals to work/college/university
If you are eating out most days that possibly costing you £4 a day which of course from week to week adds up massively. Taking your own lunches will save you time from going out and buying lunch and reduce your spend. Check out some Pre-made Lunch Ideas here.
3.Take your own coffees
Now if you are anything like me on a cold morning I like to have a hot chocolate or even on a hotter day I like a cold drink from Starbucks or Costa and if you work in a town or city there is most likely one you may pass ands just think oh I wouldn't mind a coffee. Well, if you invest in a travel mug which are only about £3-£8 you can take your own coffee in a morning and not ever feel the need to stop and save possibly £3/4 a day by doing so.
4.Only buying the essentials
Now I have previously talked about only buying the essentials when it comes to food but this is more general now so this means reducing the unnecessary shopping trips unless they are needed. The same with anything you are buying look at it and think do I really need or want this or am I just buying for the sake of it.
5. Reduce electricity
This one is bit more looking at the monthly bills now you can get a smart metre to count up how much electricity you are using but it isn't the only way to reduce your bills. Check all the heating and lights are all turned off before you leave the house. You can make sure the seating is only on when necessary now its coming up to winter you can set timers on most boilers so it turns off once you are asleep then it isn't swallowing gas, it is also possible to consider when you actually need the heating or if you could add a couple more layers. If you are also charged by how much water you use try to use less in cooking and throw less away try to reuse it for plants or such.
6.Walk, cycle, public transport or carshare
If the you are just popping down the road to the shop then walking 10 minutes rather than driving will save you money on petrol and also is better for the environment. The same with both cycling and public transport. If you can cycle to work on days with better weather then do, it also is great for your health. Now public transport isn't always cheaper but if you use it continuously you can buy a. us pass which often ends up cheaper than paying for petrol for the month. If there is someone else at your work or college who lives near you then ask them if they could give you a lift half the time and you'll take them the other half to reduce costs.
7.Open a savings account
Some saving accounts and some ISAs have higher interest than general current account so putting your money into those increases your interest slightly every month. Also if your money is in a savings account you are less likely to use it because you would gave to transfer it over and therefore think about the purchase you are making for longer which may incline you not to spend that money.
8.Save the day you are paid
If you save on pay-day it is easier to save as you can figure out what you can budget each week and work towards goals rather than just saving what is left at the end of the month. When your wage comes in put whatever it is you have budgeted for straight into your savings account. Saving on payday also means you are not at risk of overspending without knowing it.
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