Hi guys, I am sure that just like me many of you have struggled to remain on track with college work or find motivation to keep going whilst in isolation and online learning. So here I am going to talk through the top things I do to make sure I am on track.

Keep a Schedule
Whether this means waking up at 8am to keep a sleep schedule or having a daily routine where I get ready for the day, eat at reasonable hours or so on. This makes me feel like I am still sane even with what is going on.
Planning Out Your Work For The Week
Planning my time out for every day really helps me get my work done. Sometimes I specify times saying I'll do this subjects work 10-12 then have a break and lunch or just set a start time and work for a few hours until I finish, always with small breaks in the middle. I find that carving out time in your day to do work forces me and motivates me to finish. I have around 15 hours of lessons in a week but some days I get 6 hours of work done so I can relax more on others. It's about finding a balance and working out what works for you.
Finding Time To Do Things You Enjoy
If you spend all your time on work for school, college, university etc then you will burn out and might not be as happy when you feel like all you're doing is work. Whether you enjoy working out, baking, meditation or a new hobby find what you enjoy and take time to really enjoy those things. Most of us have taken up something new or found something you never had time for before in isolation.
Keep In Contact With Your Teachers
As tempting as it may be, make sure you open and read all those emails from teachers, don't get behind on the work as it can feel impossible to catch back up. If you are struggling with a topic email them, reach out they're only there to help.
Talk To Your Friends
You might think, what does this have to do with my college work but if you have friends at college keeping up with them and what they're doing can be really helpful. It is also important to be sociable, this is good for your mental health and will overall help you be more motivated and feel better in quarantine.
Hope any of these things on the list can help you out! Check out other blog posts in my Student section for my tips and Subscribe to my blog for more! Thanks for reading!
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