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A Day in the Life of a Student

Writer's picture: ReflectedGhostReflectedGhost

Walking through a day in my life as a college student, I live in England so this is ages 16-18, not American college. Side note: This particular day is Thursday because it is my busiest day where I have the most classes so the most happens. Not everyday is like this there are days where I only have 1or 2 lessons. This is a full day for me I hope you enjoy.

6:30 wake up - I don't have much to do in the morning, I usually just get my bag ready make sure I've got all my books for the day and get myself ready and eat breakfast. This only takes about 25 minutes.

7:00 travel to college - It takes me over an hour to get to college so that is why I have to set off so early. Generally on the bus I try not to fall asleep and listen to music or a podcast.

8:15 arrive at college - Sometimes I do work once I arrive or just talk with my friends. It is pretty early so we are all usually still tired and barely functioning.

9:00 lessons - I have a full morning of lessons my lessons are 90 minutes long so I am sat down all morning just doing work. It really isn't that interesting and by the end sometimes I am already fed up as the 90 minute lessons can drag.

12:00 lunch - Because it is a long day sometimes I go out for food, but most days I bring in my own food. I only do work at lunch if I really have to, I just use it as chill time really.

1:00 free period - Generally I make notes for maths in this free, pop my headphones in and listen to music or watch Netflix. There are not that many places around my college so I can not really leave to go anywhere as I don't have much time so I just stay in the social spaces.

2:30 lesson - My final lesson of the day, usually quite enjoyable because I like this lesson more and I have just had a break.

4:15 leave college - Setting off from college it is usually dark because it is winter, this makes travelling home drag a little more but I don't mind the commute.

6:15 get home - It takes a lot longer to get home because of tea time traffic and such. As soon as I get home I have tea (the meal not the drink). After my tea I generally watch some tv and sit with my family for a while.

8:00 do some work - I do any work I have gotten in the last couple days or ay work I have due the next day. If I do not have any set work I will do some coursework or practise questions for maths. Generally I do not get much work done because I have a longer day on Thursdays.

10:30 get ready for bed - Sorting myself out and wrapping up my day and finishing any last minute bits. It doesn't take me long to finish up.

11:30/11:45 sleep - I don't have to be up till 8 on a Friday so I manage to get a full 8 hours sleep which unfortunately doesn't always happen.

Thats about my entire day all summed up, not piece to piece but generally this is a rough structure that my Thursdays follow, if you guys want to let me know how early you have to be up comment below! Thanks for reading and subscribe to my blog!


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