So if you are reading this it has probably come to that dreaded time of applications and personal statements and the decision of what you want to do for the next 2 years.

1. Considering your future employment
If you know what you want to do after college when it comes to jobs or employment then check the requirements of that degree or what you need for that job and make sure you're taking the right subjects or it may become difficult to pursue.
2. Choose subjects you enjoy
Even if you didn't do as well at this in your exams as other subjects, ultimately if you enjoy what you are doing then you are more motivated to do the work but if you don't enjoy it then these next two years won't be as enjoyable as they could be. If you see every task as hardworking you don't want to do then it can become overwhelming.
3. Consider all options
Many people stick to lessons they took at GCSE level but at A-level but in reality there are many more options not available at most high schools such as Law, Economics, Criminology, 3D design, Health and Social care and many many more. Just make sure you explore the different objects.
4. Apply for different subjects
Just because you apply for certain subjects doesn't mean you have to stick to them but if you are unsure like I was, I applied at 4 colleges with slightly different subjects at each. So when the time came I picked the place and the subjects that I thought were best suited for me.
5. Do not choose your options based on your friends
This goes for both the subjects and the college itself, do not just go where your friends are or take whatever they take. You should be dong this for yourself its your college experience. You will make new friends in lessons be cause most people don't know people in their classes so just follow others.